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hop hop hop.....

okasokasokas so momma wokes me up today and the reals easter bunny was in our gardens!!!! he had crashed and he was all sads but tis okas its oaks me and momma helps hims! we mades and painted loads of eggs and picked ups all the ones we could finds by lunch times mrbunny was happy against and eveeennnnn gave me a special pink egg! I has to wait till easter day to see whats inside o.o


~TD baby body~

~TD allice bento head~

~lambkin *alva~

~{blubb} Tami eyes ocean~


~outfit one~

~ **DoRks** Chillin Peeps - Pink ~

~**DoRks** Easter Lollipop ~

~outfit two~

~**DoRks** Jelly Bean - Yellow~

found at

**DoRks** main store or on marketplace

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